We are proud to announce an Australia-first whole human genome synthetic CRISPR library is now available to researchers across the country. As part of the new national Functional Genomics Screening Platform established with $1m investment support by Phenomics Australia, this library is accessible through a consortium of collaborators from Functional Genomics South Australia (FGSA) at the University of Adelaide, the Victorian Centre for Functional Genomics (VCFG) at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, and the ANU Centre for Therapeutic Discovery (ACTD) at the John Curtin School of Medical Research, ANU.
Leveraging our significant skills in state-of-the-art automated functional genomics screening, this platform will enable direct linkage of gene function (discovery) and sequence variation (genetic risk validation) to pathways and targets for therapeutic modulation.
The synthetic CRISPR platform enables gene knockout in an arrayed format using liquid handling automation in 96 or 384 well formats. This platform uses synthetic purified sgRNAs that are transiently delivered into Cas9-stable cells using lipid transfection reagents or delivered via nucleofection in combination with purified Cas9 protein. The phenotype is assessed typically within 72-96 hours. This platform enables cell phenotyping approaches using high content imaging or FACS profiling.
The whole human genome Knockout Edit-R synthetic sgRNA from Horizon Discovery is available to screen as a whole genome (61 x 384 well plates) or cherry-pick custom-designed sub-sets at any of the 3 facilities. This library complements other CRISPR screening resources and our RNAi libraries and extends our long-standing partnership with Millennium Science as a national vendor for screening libraries and research and infrastructure support.