Phenomics Australia was proud to sponsor the 2024 Australian Fly Meeting, held from the 13th to the 15th of October at El Kanah Retreat in the picturesque town of Marysville, Yarra Valley, Victoria.
The Australian Fly Meeting (known as AusFly), is an annual meeting for insect molecular biologists in Australia which attracts ~100 delegates, including the majority of Principal Investigators from fly labs across the country.
Phenomics Australia node staff from the Australian Drosophila Transgenic Facility (ADTF) at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Dr Alex Giang and Ms Astrid Nissila-Browne gave a fantastic talk about the affordable transgenesis service they are providing for the fly community down under.

The Australian Drosophila meeting showcased high-quality research, featuring numerous student presentations, the inaugural ECR publication award, and keynote talks by A/Prof. Fumiaki, Head of the Laboratory for Nutritional Biology at the RIKEN Centre for Biodynamics Research, Kobe, Japan and Prof. Gary Hime, Head of the Stem Cell Genetics and Drosophila models of human disease Lab at the University of Melbourne.
This was a relaxed meeting, with an emphasis on entire laboratory participation, offering a unique opportunity to interact with all members of the scientific community, including students, technicians, postdocs and group leaders.