Acknowledge Us

When papers acknowledge Phenomics Australia, they support continued research infrastructure investments by institutions and governments.

The services and expertise available to researchers through Phenomics Australia are subsidised by NCRIS as part of the national strategy to make research infrastructure accessible and affordable.
Acknowledgements are evidence that investments in equipment and people have led to important outcomes, which in turn builds the case for future investments.

The Phenomics Australia logo is available in png and other formats. Please use the appropriate artwork file, and do not try to recreate the image.

For a copy of the Phenomics Australia logo, please contact

For Authors:


Please include the following acknowledgement in your scientific publications:

The author/s acknowledge the facilities, and the scientific and technical assistance of [insert name of node], [insert name of university/institute]. [Insert name of node] is supported by Phenomics Australia (PA). PA is supported by the Australian Government through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) program.

Presentations & Posters

Please include the Phenomics Australia logo in the acknowledgements slide of your presentations, and include the Phenomics Australia logo and following acknowledgements statement in your posters:

The author/s acknowledge the facilities, and the scientific and technical assistance of Phenomics Australia at the [insert name of node], [insert name of university/institute].

Everything Else

Please include the Phenomics Australia logo or acknowledgement text above where possible, and let us know how Phenomics Australia is helping you achieve research outcomes!

For Phenomics Australia Partners

Please acknowledge Phenomics Australia and NCRIS on all printed and on-line material associated with funded activity, such as:

  • Annual Reports
  • Newsletters, brochures, posters
  • Multimedia, social media
  • Conference programme, papers, presentation, posters
  • Media releases, speeches. (Please add for media releases)

The logo should be reproduced in a size that reasonably reflects the Phenomics Australia’s contribution in proportion to other funder.

As a general principle, the NCRIS logo should appear everywhere that the Phenomics Australia logo appears