The Australasian Society for Stem Cell Research (ASSCR) invites you to discuss the latest developments in national and international stem cell research.
Where: The Australian Maritime Museum, Sydney
When: Nov 15-17
Join more than 150 scientists in a full 3-day program. From Plenary Sessions to concurrent workshops and innovation showcase we have prepared something for everyone.
The event aims to start new collaborations, creating novel ideas and partnerships. Ample network opportunities will be available through our carefully planned social events.
ECR Poster, Oral and Prizes Opportunity
Submit abstracts for oral or poster presentations by August 4, 2023.
The National Stem Cell Foundation of Australia (NSCFA) is sponsoring postgraduates and ECRs to cover registration and airfare costs. Don’t miss this opportunity!
Visit the website for more information, speakers, and sponsors and to register with Early Bird pricing.
See you in Sydney!