ARDC’s Biomedical data Asset
The Australian Research Data Common’s (ARDC’s) Biomedical Data Asset aims to link two of Australia’s most important biomedical data sets in a highly curated environment to improve the functional understanding of genetic contributions to health and disease.
These data collections are:
1. The Aspirin in Reducing Events in the Elderly (ASPREE) genomic and clinical data set from thousands of healthy older Australians.
2. The mouse Missense Mutation Library (MML) genomic and phenotypic database and biorepository of known variant missense and nonsense variant mice.
The Biomedical Data Asset will combine these data into one user-friendly and accessible environment. We want to hear from researchers, clinicians, and other interested individuals who are using or planning to use, cross-species genomic and phenomic data sets in the medical or health sciences. We’d like to hear about your needs in this space – the data types, data access preferences, data analysis preferences, support data availability, data standards, and computational resource use.
You can get involved in the creation of the Biomedical Data Asset by:
- completing a 10-minute survey before the 13th of July about the data asset environment.
Please feel free to distribute as widely as possible to your colleagues!